Saturday, June 25, 2011

Feedback- Do we recognize its power?

Not sure, if everyone already know or dont know about the power of Feedback but over last 1 year, i have experienced great power behind it. Especially while receiving. It could be of either positive or negative* types. (*I wont talk much about negative feedback here)
If its positive, its a kind of recognition for what you have been doing for/with others. Generally, we have tendency to understand that its from your boss. Buts thats just a mere chunk of bigger pie. It could come from your peers, friends, sub-ordinates, working partners, stake holders, family members, relatives or even unknown people.
And this positive feedback could be either in form of actual recognition award but again that's just a piece of big picture. It could be over phone, 1:1 chat, email (sent to you directly or copied to your manager or his manager, or copied to bigger community). It will generally start with "Thanks!". Don't underestimate this thanks with normal thanks that people tends to say on & off but this one is real from bottom of someone's heart & you will recognize that. This is what i call, "Touching & Improving life (TIL)". This concept of TIL has come across to me as a very powerful self inspiration. It triggers you, boosts you on doing more of those good things that you have been doing. Especially you get sunk with positive feedback when its unexpected TIL. You just did something as your normal behavior (without expecting anything in return) & then you get recognized.
This experience of getting positive feedback with thanks to someone & explaining them how they did TIL with you, really gives a immense accomplishment feeling. I believe every human being on earth is being created to TIL others. And when they get to know it, its Stupendously fantastic experience.
I highly encourage everyone to do that. Just ask a simple question to yourself- Daily, weekly, Monthly (inspired by P&G)- "Whose actions has TIL you today?" & make sure to take time out to feedback them with Thanks & their TIL behavior.
Good luck!

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